Day 5 - Mismanagement secrets


The secret to a game jam is, of course, procrastination. Yes! Working on your game is always procrastinating on doing something else important. Let those chores pile up like... unwashed dishes. This is a well-mismanaged project, and I got a lot of procrastination done today. I'm posting this over 5 hours late!

  • -Procrastinated working on mapgen by drawing player animations. Idle animations are good to have if there's nothing to do in-game
  • Procrastinated working on mapgen by reading more documentation
  • Procrastinated working on mapgen by porting my previous 7DRL sentence generator from Python. It's slick. Think of all the time saved don't needing grammar!
  • Procrastinated working on mapgen by investigating possibility of procedural enemy graphics using (prerendered) metaballs. And browsing shadertoy
  • Procrastinated working on mapgen by working on the inventory and item system (team-procrastination with Seilburg) -Procrastinated working on mapgen by rewriting/cleaning up the inventory code
  • Discovered Godot has an undocumented TileSet._is_tile_bound() virtual method I can use to make autotiling work the way I *really* wanted
  • Procrastinated working on mapgen by working on mapgen
  • Godot's autotile suddenly started producing garbage, and I'm in trouble now. Restarting Godot fixed only half the problem
  • Procrastinated working on mapgen by writing this devlog. I want to record a gif. Via mp4 and ffmpeg? Recompiled OBS. Reducing gif size... by increasing OBS bitrate!?

!!!! There are just 48 42.5 HOURS LEFT! Time for a reality check

  • Learning Godot: I know practically everything I need now
  • Map gen: some broken code
  • Graphics: majority done
  • Music: we have some - all original. Except Bach
  • UI/controls: plenty done, but even diagonal movement is broken
  • Enemies: generation but no AI
  • Minions: generation but no AI
  • Combat stuff: basically none
  • Base-building: nope
  • Exploration stuff: you can open chests
  • Story elements: none
  • Sentence generation: success!

Day 6 plan: PANIC. Also combat. The plan had been to implement combat ~ day 2

Get Slumber


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Hi, yes, I do. I posted about it in your thread.

hi, do you merging 2 autotiles in same tilemap? I have real struggle with that problem. Can you leave comment in godotforums: