Day 5 - What use is panic


So, this devlog is crazy late.

As there isn't much time left before the end of contest, I'll be brief:

Today's achievements:

• Progress with the tracks. One complete, one fleshed out, one sketch.
• Graphics for the monsters done.
• Rudimentary monster generation done.

Current state of project:

• Graphics are essentially done, bar some UI elements and any edge cases I've failed to consider.
• Inventory, item, minion/monster, and statline structures are all in place.
• It looks like the guts of the combat system is in place — just need some entity behaviour to check it out.

What needs to be done, and are we likely to get it done:

• Mapgen. This is a big one. And mostly everything else hinges on this being implemented to test and tune other systems. We have the assets, just needs to be done.
• Base building. Relies on mapgen. Nothing here should be particularly difficult to implement, all the assets are in place for this. All of the assets in place, some prototype interface code for this. Need to implement behaviours, as well as construction. This is pretty likely.
• Content. Item definitions and variants need to be written, along with flavour events and similar. There might be some content, who knows?


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